
Pacific Islander sugar cane labourers

Refinery 1878

Outside Pyrmont refinery workshps ca 1878

Small boats moored at Pyrmont refinery wharf ca1878

Some of those employed at CSR’s works in its first year of operation 1878
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

CSR works, circa 1880s
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Free wharf at the CSR works, circa 1885
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

CSR works, 1892
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

CSR works & Rotorua late 1800’s


Vacuum pan station, circa 1892
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Rebuilding the sugar store after the fire
Noel Butlin Archives

Looking north-east over the refinery, circa 1904
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Tindall, CSR 1906-08

CSR Refinery, Boiler Station, circa 1907
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Horses in Refinery Square 1930s

Bowman St near Bank St 1932

Fleet of Morris Commercial Leader 5-ton lorrries for sugar cartage 1939

Slave trade in the South Seas - seizure of the schooner Daphne

Sugar plantation in the Caribbean

Hoeing weeds in sugar cane Queensland

Refinery 1878

Sugarcane, by Henry King, ca 1890

Small mill in northern New South Wales

CSR Childers mill, Queensland

Raw sugar store, circa 1930s
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Unloading bulk sugar from ship with drays (horse and cart) at CSR wharf, Pyrmont
Max Dupain

CSR Sugar Bag

Molasses fermenting vats, circa 1940
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Packing dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), 1947
Noel Butlin Archives

Spirit safe in still room, 1947
Noel Butlin Archives

Spirit storage vats, 1947
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Electronically-driven centrifugues for refined sugar, 1937
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Automatic weighing machines for refined sugar 1947
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Filter station, 1947
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Filter station, Refinery 1947
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Pan floor-C-pan (pot still type) 1947
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Erection of bulk raw sugar loader at CSR¹s works, circa 1955
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Raw sugar store, sugar thrower, circa 1960
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Pyrmont aerial view c1949

Liquid sugar delivery truck, 1965
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Methylated spirits tanker, circa 1950s
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Aerial of Pyrmont Refinery ca 1970
Max Dupain

Distillery Hill storage tanks 1930s-1990s

Ethanol vats 1930s 1990s

Molasses Tanks and Distilllery 1930s-1990s

Distillery Hill storage tanks 1930s-1990s

Carbon dioxide (dry ice) compressor, 1947
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Anzac Bridge and Glebe Island. 1994 CSR Distillery
David Porter

CSR Distillery from the carpark 1994
Painted by Jane Bennett

Distillation process

Asbestos in Wittenoom

Convincing Hill, Macarthur’s windmill built in 1807

Edwin Davey Flour Mill in 1909
The Australasian Baker

Darling Harbour & Gillespie flour mills 1932

Darling Harbour, Jones Bay, Gillespie Bros Flour 1930s
City of Sydney Archives

Gillespie Bros Flour Poster

Humping bagged flour for the ship’s hold

Fielder Gillespie Flour Mills being demolished 1992
City of Sydney Archives

Union and Edward Sts. New York Hotel and Gillespie Bros Flour Mill 1992
City of Sydney archives

Davey Mill facade, 2000s

Edwin Davey sign, 2000s

Davey Flour Mill before conversion to apartments, 2012

Edwin Davey Flour Mill
Painted by Jane Bennett

Edwin Davey Flour Mill from the back
Painted by Jane Bennett

Davey Flour Mill conversion 2013
Trish Curotta

Harbour Mill apartments under construction 2014
Trish Curotta

Channel 7

Channel 10

City Iron Works, Charles Pickering, 1871
State Library of NSW

ASNC engineering works 1880s
State Library of NSW

Ultimo Power House
State Library of NSW. Government Printing Office

Bone boiler

Interior of Pyrmont power station

Interior of powerhouse – Pyrmont, NSW 1900
State Library of NSW. At Work and Play

Pyrmont Power Station. Preparations for construction of Switch Gear House 1919-1921 August 1918
City of Sydney Archives

Pyrmont Power House 5000 Volt Switch House construction November 1920
City of Sydney Archives

Power in the peninsula
Pyrmont Power House. Sydney Electric Light Co. power house building with 3 smoke stacks August 1919. Pyrmont Street, City of Sydney Archives

Pyrmont Power House 5000 Volt Switch House. Construction of Switch House. January 1921
City of Sydney Archives

Boiler House Extensions. Pyrmont Power Station. August 1921
City of Sydney Archives

Pyrmont Power station by Mark Ray c.1976-84

Pyrmont Quarries

Paradise quarry, 1883

Sydney Town Hall, 1889

A. Tischbauer, 1893, Pyrmont Quarry

GPO completed, 1891

Queen Victoria Market, 1896

Mortuary station entrance detail, 1897
John Dalton

Pyrmont quarries,1900
State Library of Victoria

Paradise plaque 2005

Lewis Morley, Bulldozing raw sugar
CSR Pyrmont Refinery Centenary 1978 Photography Project

Sugar cranes, Mark Johnson
CSR Pyrmont Refinery Centenary 1978 Photography Project

Char towers, Mark Johnson
CSR Pyrmont Refinery Centenary 1978 Photography Project

Refinery, coal silos, Mark Johnson
CSR Pyrmont Refinery Centenary 1978 Photography Project

The factory, Micky Allan
CSR Pyrmont Refinery Centenary 1978 Photography Project

Sugar refining process

Self-portrait in front of clocking-in office, Lewis Morley
CSR Pyrmont Refinery Centenary 1978 Photography Project

Refined sugar transported by McCaffery Services Pty Ltd, circa 1980
Noel Butlin Archives Centre

CSR Bowman St 1984

Jane Bennett, C.S.R. Sunset 1995

The Brothers, first Manly ferry built at Chowne’s shipyard

Patent slip belonging to Australian Steam Navigation Company 1859-1871, Frederick Garling

Australasian Steam Navigation Co. engineering works
State Library of NSW

Tray of 75MM shells being lowered into ship M.V.Sarmiento Wharf 13 Pyrmont. June 1944

Saxton’s steam saw mills
Illustrated Sydney News, 25 July 1889

Goodlet & Smith, 1892

Goodlet & Smith building materials price list

Goodlet & Smith catalogue

Goodlet & Smith staircase windows

Goodlet & Smith Stained and painted windows

McKenzie sawmill Blackwattle Bay 1899

McKenzie catalogue

Messrs G. Augenson and Company's Timber Yard and Wharf at Pyrmont, 1900
Australian Town and Country Journal

Saxton & Binns Timber Merchants
Town and Country Journal, 13 October 1900

Goodlet & Smith Steam Saw Mills
Sand’s Sydney, Suburban & Country Commercial Directory, Sydney, 1910

Interior of Ingram’s timber yard 1914

Timber wharves on Blackwattle Bay 1938

Glebe Island 1857, W.G. Mason

Pyrmont 1858, Rebecca Martens
State Library of New South Wales

Glebe Bridge and quarries 1870-73, F.H. Boyer

SS Keera
First screw-driven vessel in Australia

The Brothers, first Manly ferry built at Chowne’s shipyard, 1851

Darling Harbour works 1860

Australasian Steam Navigation Company 1871
State Library of NSW

Australasian Steam Navigation Co. engineering works
State Library of NSW

CSR 1906-08
C.E.S Tindall

M&S yards, Bayview St, 1903

Hecla in front of the Royal Edward Victualling Yard 1910

Elginshire at Pyrmont (before World War I)

Building the Upper Level of Jones Bay wharf 1911-1919

US 5-masted schooner 1920s

Royal Victualling Yard 1920s

Abattoir Road - British Imperial Oil Co Wharf 1920-39
State Library of New South Wales

Doepel at Pyrmont wharf 1930s

Waterside Cold Store Wharf 1930s

Shipping at Pyrmont, 1932

2nd 7th Div Mechanised Cavalry regiment Pyrmont 1940 awaiting tranport to Queen Mary for embarkation prior to leaving for the Middle East. Australian War Memorial

Dunera press clipping

Arrival of Dunera at Sydney 1940

SS Tambua 1940s

Vessel berthed at Jones Bay Wharf 1950s

Jones Bay Wharf 1960s

McCafferys sugar truck 1930s

McCafferys truck 1930s

McCafferys truck 1940s

Methylated spirits tanker 1950s

Locomotive arriving in Pyrmont 1880

Wooden-blocked road surface Jones St 1947

Proclamation to establish the Goldsbrough Wool Warehouse, 1884
State Library of New South Wales

Wool train Darling Harbour 1901

Railway yards to Darling Harbour 1932
City of Sydney archives

Light rail, Star City 2010
Photo Ambanmba

Goods Yard, Darling Harbour, 1964

Darling Harbour Goods Yard from the top of Pyrmont Power Station 1989
Jane Bennett

Harris St overbridge

Tunnel exit, Jones St

Last day of 443 bus – 3 October 2015

Darling Island Bond and Free
Jane Bennett, Darling Island Bond and Free, 12 Pyrmont Street 2012

Stables, Pyrmont St & Marion Lane 1903

Horse drawn carriages and carts 1911, Union St & Pyrmont Bridge Rd
City of Sydney archives

Horse-drawn carts at the corner of Jones and John Streets 1920s

McCafferys Stables

Australian Steam Navigation Company, 1882
State Library of NSW

Darling Harbour works: Darling Island 1899
State Library of NSW

Wharf workers on Number 9 wharf Jones Bay

Kellick’s woolstore cnr Bowman and Lawson Sts 1930s

Wool Store Hill Clark & Co., 1930s
State Library of New South Wales

Fire at the Goldsbrough Mort Wool Store, 1935
State Library of New South Wales

Goldsbrough Mort No.1 store 1935
State Library of New South Wales

Wool clips, 1937
State Library of New South Wales

Wool trucks gather to deliver their precious cargo to Pyrmont wharves, 1939
G. Short, Fairfax

Moving wool bales, No 22 Wharf Pyrmont, 1940s
State Library of New South Wales

Wool sales Winchcombe Carsons, 1948
State Library of New South Wales

Goldsbrough Mort men using F.G.R. Power Press on wool bales 1950s

Weighing wool bales, Goldsbrough Mort, 1950
State Library of New South Wales

A student examines different grades of merino wool at the School of Sheep and Wool, Pyrmont, 1962
Jeff Carter

Ultimo woolstore fire 1978

After the Ultimo woolstore fire

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance co wool store fire 1992

Wharves on Hickson Road ca 1920

Wharfies waiting to be picked for work

The Hungry Mile

A strong wharfie
Photo by Andrew Fyfe

A powerful wharfie
Photo by Andrew Fyfe

A tough wharfie

Soldiers working as wharfies during a waterside workers strike 1943