Society > Pubs in Social Life > Green Tree Hotel

Green Tree Hotel

South-west corner of Harris and Harvey Sts.

Tobias O’Toole came to Pyrmont in 1855 as a 22 year old. He worked as a stonemason in Saunders’ Quarry and was one of many artisans who gave their labour in building St Bede’s Catholic Church. His wife, Eliza O’Neil, came from Ireland in 1856. They married in Balmain.

In about 1875 they took over the Green Tree Hotel until its demolition in 1916 for the railway cutting. They had a family of twelve. In 1900 beer was 3d a pint and the hotel closed at 11pm. 

Some of their sons became publicans: Andrew was owner and licensee of the Duke of Edinburgh from 1912 to 1940; John was the licensee of the Glasgow Arms from 1916-1918; Tobias licensee of the Royal Pacific and Quarrymans Arms in the 1920s.

The three boys in the photo are grandsons of Tobias and Eliza – Joe, John and Michael O’Toole, the sons of Joseph O’Toole (1871-1931) and Mary Therese Crowley.

Green Tree Hotel, 1875-1916

Green Tree Hotel, 1875-1916